The Funkzone Podcast

1 hour podcast, 2014-2018

The Funkzone Podcast was my weekly podcast on all things artistic and creative that launched October 2014 and ran thru February 2018, a total of 113 episodes. Initially interviews with artists in Santa Barbara’s creative enclave known as the Funk Zone, it soon expanded to cover all kinds of working artists, not all of them residing in Santa Barbara. I’ve interviewed artists, authors, screenwriters, musicians, philosophers, restauranteurs, gallery owners, new media pros…you name it, if they create, I’m interested!

It was a good run while it lasted, but listeners plateau’d and there was never enough of them to monetize the show.

Archived, but not currently available.

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2 thoughts to “The Funkzone Podcast”

  1. Ted, thank you for coming out the other night to my lecture at MCASB.

    Love to do your podcast. I go away next week until the third week in July. Could we schedule it for the end of July?


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