Rondo Gumbo

Rondo Gumbo

Abandoned Feature Film approx. 90 mins, 2019-2020

Information: An anxious college student, a frustrated divorcée, and an aging therapist find their lives crossing in surprising ways as they undergo their own existential crisis in Santa Barbara. Starring Sierra Kelly, Brian Harwell, and Tom Hinshaw. Produced by Meighann Helene. Shot by Nik Blaskovich. Abandoned when COVID hit, scattering cast and crew to the four winds (including the director). Shot in the spirit of Hong Sang-Soo and Jean-Luc Godard, this scripted/improvised film leaned on available locations, cast, and crew. About 1/5 of the film was shot. A few sample scenes were edited together for my MFA application, so I include those below. What could have been, etc.

Sierra (Sierra Kelly) pours her heart out for her therapist (Tom Hinshaw). COVID is mentioned in passing, if only we’d known…

Brian discovers the mysterious speakeasy known as the Rondo and receives some apocalyptic information. Featuring Sean Kennedy.

A broadcast from the Tower of Truth Hour, featuring Maiza Hixson and a word from our sponsor.

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