My films

In reverse order, my films and music videos. Here’s a link to my IMDB page, as well.

What a Pool Believes (2014)


“What a Pool Believes” won UCSB’s DIY Silent Film Competition and screened at the Santa Barbara County Courthouse’s Sunken Garden in front of 3,000 to 4,000 people. (Not too shabby!) It also won at Zagreb’s PSSST! Silent Film Festival.

It’s currently on the film festival circuit, so it is not for view. (Awww!!) If you are interested in screening it, drop a line here.

Heat (2013)

A dance film starring Kaita Lepore and Steven Jasso.

Ghost Tiger – Whiskey (2012)

A very NSFW (because naked dancers in body paint) music video for Santa Barbara group Ghost Tiger.  Camera by Nik Blaskovich. Choreography by Robin Bisio. Projections by Jonathan Smith.

Nymphaea (2011)

Well, you kinda had to be there…this is a version of the 30+ screen installation at CAF Santa Barbara in January of 2011. In the center of the installation was this three-screen projection that intentionally went out of sync throughout the 24/7 screening, but occasionally sync’d back up to reveal the complete picture. Here’s the sync’d version. Shot by Nik Blaskovich. Audio by me.

Nymphaea (2011) Installation Walk-thru

A tour of the installation at Santa Barbara’s CAF (now MCA SB)  that coincided with the opening party of that year’s SBIFF. I think many guests thought the film festival put this on for this pleasure. Au contraire!

Wallace Carothers (2010)

The absolutely, well maybe, true story of the man who invented nylon. Official entry Santa Barbara International Film Festival. Winner: Best Comedy Short at the Eugene International Film Festival. Starring the incomparable Brian Singer.

You may also enjoy the trailer:

Revenge of the Falcon (2007)

Remake? Remodel? Revenge! My comedy of filmic errors stars Brian Singer as a hapless actor trying to make it through one scene with a demanding leading lady (Margaret Easley) and an irritated director (played by yours truly). Official entry of the Santa Barbara International Film Festival. Produced by Sabrina Oertle, hence her vimeo account!

AM – Stepping Stone (2007)

Music video for the artist AM, featuring Heather Carney dancing.

Night of the Falcon (2005)

The original black and white version of what would become Revenge of the Falcon. Official entry of the Santa Barbara International Film Festival and Les Borges Blanques Short Film Fest in Spain.

Freezepop – Parlez-vous Freezepop? (2005)

Co-directed with Jonathan Crow, filled with fun graphics by yours truly.

Petrakovich – Others (2005)

Music video for San Rafael-based artist Petrakovich.

Walk Cycle (2001)

Short, shaggy-dog story shot during a lull in the post-production of Nowhereland. Starring Kary Cawley.

Nowhereland (2001)

My debut sci-fi epic! Winner of three awards (Thunderbird FF, Cedar City, Utah for “Best Drama”, Zoie Online for “Best Experimental”, and Dreamcatcher, Ukraine), and in competition at 30 international festivals. Blimey! Starring Kary Cawley, Brian Singer, Paul Gersowitz, and Masako Takagi.

Universal Leader (1998)

Co-directed with Gary Tseng with music by Dave LaDelfa, this is a parody of experimental cut-up video filled with plenty NSFW moments. Currently missing from the web, so I will upload soon!

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