Dance and Video Installation

Copa de Oro

Nymphaea (Installation Walk-thru)

A tour of the installation at Santa Barbara’s CAF (now MCA SB)  that coincided with the opening party of that year’s SBIFF. I think many guests thought the film festival put this on for this pleasure. Au contraire!

Nymphaea (Triptych Reconstruction)

Well, you kinda had to be there…this is a version of the 30+ screen installation at CAF Santa Barbara in January of 2011. In the center of the installation was this three-screen projection that intentionally went out of sync throughout the 24/7 screening, but occasionally sync’d back up to reveal the complete picture. Here’s the sync’d version. Shot by Nik Blaskovich. Audio by me.


Starring Kaita Lepore and Steven Jasso.

Ghost Tiger – Whiskey

(NSFW contains nudity)

Music: Ghost Tiger

Cinematography: Nik Blaskovich

Choreography: Robin Bisio

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