Drink of the Week: La Arcada Bistro’s Hot Toddy


The story of a pleasant Thanksgiving is still clouded by a particularly grumpy one spent absolutely shattered, on a couch in the living room, surrounded by family having fun, as the world’s worst head cold ran riot around the noggin. But we’ve all been there, right? A warm drink, something preferably with whiskey, is just what the infirm need in this season. But also, it’s a perfect finish to a meal that might just be sending you into a food coma.

So we here at Drink of the Week would like to provide a public service this holiday (and sickness) season, and find a cocktail that solves all our problems.

We stopped by La Arcada Bistro and had them whip us up their hot toddy, which co-owner Trini Quinn gladly did. The secret to a real good one: make sure the glass is good and hot to start with. Some use tea in theirs, but Quinn just goes straight to the Bushmills, adds some brown sugar, and some cloves, and just lets the whiskey do the work.

If you think you might be coming down with something, this sweet, spicy Hot Toddy will do the trick. Even if you don’t like Irish whiskey – we’ll forgive you – give it a go. It’s a palate cleanser after the last of the dessert has gone down this Turkey Day, and you can settle in for a nice night’s sleep.

1 teaspoon brown sugar
1 ounce Irish whiskey (preferably Bushmills)
5 cloves
Hot water

In warm irish coffee glass,muddle sugar and whiskey until dissolved. Add cloves and hot water.

Yield: 1 serving

La Arcada Bistro
1114 State St. 966-6634

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