Continuing…the Endtroducing…

We’re gonna continue on an Endtroducing tip with a few links.
An after-school percussion group at Minnetonka High School, Minneapolis, play two tracks from Endtroducing, over on this page, circa 2005. Word. The drummer even keeps in the weird drum edits. Big version of file here. Hot damn. Sounds like Steve Reich.
Eliot Wilder wrote a whole book about the album.
There’s also this very long review of Entroducing over at PopMatters by Tim O’Neil.

Endtroducing… was a field report from the frontlines of a brave new world, a world which has now become slightly less strange but no less visceral. It would have been hard to rank it above similarly important albums by artists like Orbital, the Chemical Brothers, Underworld, New Order and Kraftwerk, but while each of those artists have produced albums which are perhaps the equal of Endtroducing…, there’s not a one of them I could in good conscience put squarely above it.

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