3 Cities: 3 Choreographers

I went to Center Stage Theater to review the dance recital “3 Cities: 3 Choreographers” and encountered the choreography of S.B.’s Misa Kelly for I think the first time. What’s even cooler (in lieu of my review that I am still writing as on this post) is that a lot of the work is online. Used to be that dance was impossible to see outside the live experience, but YouTube changed that.

Gypsy Dreams by Misa Kelly. Erika Kloumann danced this tonight instead of Shari Brookler in the video. Same idea though. Music by Iva Bittova.

Nadar Sabe Mi Llama el Agua Fría (Part One)

Nadar Sabe Mi Llama el Agua Fría (Part Two)
This was danced by Kaita Lepore this evening. I don’t know who that is in the vid, but it may be her.

Le Jardin Rouge by Misa Kelly. Anaya Cullen danced tonight instead of Gwenna Devries.

I couldn’t find any vids by choreographer Kerstin Stuart, tho’ I’d love to see her dance with Ana Flecha set to Massive Attack’s Teardrop, which was brilliant. However, I did find the above rehearsal vid of Louie Cornejo’s Weathering. But its’ very hard to see what’s going on and it’s not very representation of the finished piece.
Kelly’s work is great, though. My job is writing about dance…not always the easiest of things.

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