I have scanned and uploaded to Flickr the complete Rickstones Yearbook I created in 1986 when I was a wee scruffian. Contains my attempt to be Bill Elder. From my Flickr intro:
In 1986 I was the only American student in Rickstones Secondary School in Witham, Essex, UK. And being so, I thought we ought to have a yearbook, which is a foreign concept to the Brits. So along with a friend of mine, Dave Seacombe, we petitioned in March, convinced the Headmistress, who then found a printer for us. I guess they thought, well as long as he leaves us alone…
As usual, the larger versions are the best, so be sure to click on them.
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Hi You won’t believe me when I tell you that I have a copy of this in a box in my loft Found it awhile ago and had a flick through Thanks for doing that some great photos and memories! x
Hi Paula, I do believe you found a copy kicking around. But I need more answers! Did you go to Rickstones? Where exactly is the loft? (I mean, it will crazy if you found it in a loft in Texas, for example.)
Hi Ted No sorry wasn’t in my loft in Texas just in my house in Witham It’s an area in the roof of your house (attic I think in US) Yes I did go to Rickstones left in 1988
I recently stumbled across a photo capturing 4 of us jumping in the air (well 3 actually, Lee wouldn’t jump). Brought back a few memories, especially how young we looked.
Hi Ted I have just discovered this , what a great thing to do . It would be good to
Arrange a reunion of the classes of year 5 from 1995 to see how everyone has
Progressed in life with the opportunity to create another follow on year book.
Let me know cheers Carl ( mole )
Hi Ted ,I have recently discovered this book & I am shocked to see how time has gone so quickly
I think it is time to arrange a year 5 of 1996 reunion to catch up with everyone. It would
Also create an opportunity to make a new book.
Thank you Carl
Hi Ted,
I’m so pleased I’ve stumbled on your year book. It’s brought back some lovely memories. Thank you for publishing it. I’d love to know how some of my friends I used to hang out with at school are doing. I was Julie Carney at the time, now Julie May. The following people are the ones I distinctly remember being good mates to mess around with during break and lunch: Janina (she was a good friend), Abigail Ashcroft, Lisa Lincoln, Maria Skeet and Denise Hutton. I remember Robin Pain very well too, as he lived near me in the courts. Thanks again Ted. Julie