Found over at the always groovy World of Kane blog.
Belgian advertising illustrator Guy Peellaert was one of the first cartoonists to embrace Pop Art and incorporate Andy Warhol’s appropriation of mass market iconography into his work. His first comic, Les aventures de Jodelle, (Jodelle’s likeness modelled after yé-yé chanteuse Sylvie Vartan) appeared in 1966, swiftly followed by ‘Pravda la Survireuse’ (her likeness based on Françoise Hardy) for the magazine ‘Hara-Kiri’ in 1967.
Hard to believe this is the same artist that went on to design the cover for Bowie’s ‘Diamond Dogs’.
I realized I’ve been looking at Peellaert’s work for some time: it’s the cover of this Mansfield CD.
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