Revenge of the Falcon: My New Film!

Yes, so, as some of you know, my main passion is filmmaking, and apart from some music videos, I haven’t blogged much about my work. But tomorrow (Friday, July 20), we will be premiering Revenge of the Falcon, my short comedy, which although didn’t take too long to do, actually has been brewing in one form or another since October 2005. In fact, we had to remake the film from scratch because…well, just because, all right? Some of you know what I’m talking about.

There is a Revenge website up. Currently it just mentions the show, but we do want to put other things on it. As with all my other films, it’s great to work with everybody on a film, and seeing how even though I wrote and directed it, other people bring extra layers to it that manage to bring it to another level. Brian Singer and Margaret Easley do things with their characters I couldn’t envision in the script, Jeff Sparks and Purpleman (a one-time student of mine) made not just a ringtone sound for one scene, but a brilliant rap song that became our closing theme. Even my mom (!) brought over props to decorate the set and give it some class. Class!! So as all these layers combine, it becomes something much much greater than I could have thought.
Plus, full props out to all the people who stood by me for this process, including my friends, family, actors, and obviously my producer Sabrina Oertle. And guess what? We got picked up for distribution. Ahhh yehhh.
By the way, I quickly made an iPhone wallpaper for the film. Photos coming soon!

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