This will only interest Japanese speakers or those who love Pizzicato Five, but Maki Nomiya now has a blog called “Nomiya Maki Oshare Blog”. Three entries so far, with a little tidbit about P5 and the filming of one of their videos. If your Japanese is rusty, you can get a translation here.
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Cool to find some P5 junkies still active years after the split up. 🙂 Enjoyed very much the P5ML although I never had anything to contribute. You guys always were a blast.
Hi nice to meet you!
I’m nao,and I’m japanese girl. I love pizzicato five songs. It makes me happy every time.
Do you listen to pizzicato five songs?
(I hope you can understand my English…)
You did that P5 Song By Song web page, right? Went looking for it today and came across this page.
Anyway, a very overdue “thank you!!”. That page has been a handy bible off and on over the years.