Can we talk a little bit about RSS feeds? As a devoted blog reader (and writer) I use an RSS reader to keep up with all my blogs. My request, my wish, is that all blogs be turned on to “full post” in the preferences of whatever service you are using. If I have to continually click through to your site to read a post, what is the point of an RSS feed to start with?
My recent sojourn into the working world of the cubicle has also brought another negative regarding less-than-full posts in the feed: While I can access all my blogs through my RSS reader, the “evil-corporation-that-shall-remain-nameless” web blocker will not let me continue through to read posts on certain sites, those marked “personal” and “political” equally.
So please, switch on “full post” in your prefs. It doesn’t hurt. Do it for your readers.
An open letter to all my favorite bloggers
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