Someone Else’s Record Collection

I came across this post from Woebot while searching for something on the composer Mauricio Kagel. I like the idea that this guy makes his living providing very expensive rare vinyl to arty types who can justify the expenditure. I know what seeing such records feels like. Oh Woe!

Wonderboy makes very good money on the side as a record dealer. Bar possibly one or two people (he insists they exist) he’s Europe’s pre-eminent dealer. His list of clients is beyond scary. Interestingly a major part of his trade is in Modern Jazz; selling Argentinian Trios to Japanese collectors, and Tubby Hayes records to the highest bidder. Apparently he’s losing interest in the dealing game, becoming buried deeper in making his own stuff. I picked up four records off him, which I could scarcely afford, however we don’t hook up all that often. I’m going to keep the identity of those ones a secret, but I thought you might be interested to know what else he had in his bag; records I didn’t buy. He’d already sold three apparently amazing Bruno Nicolai Italian Soundtracks before he got to me.

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