Oh yes, this is the link o’ the week, if we had such an award. The G.I. Joe PSA redubs are hilarious in a Sealab 2021 kind of way. Nicely surreal some of ’em.
Also, check out these awfully designed loony Christian ramblings. Purchase the whole set for $245 or so. At least Jack Chick gives his away…
Or you could always download huge scans of European art for your desktop.
You can view the video for Puffy’s Teen Titans Theme here. (You need RealPlayer). And no, I don’t mean P-Diddly-Ding-Dang-Dong-Doofus.
Bird Poops in Cyndi Lauper’s Mouth. Amazing.
More reasons that the web is great: The Lady in the Park!
And there can never be enough BULLDOZER RAMPAGES! I betcha that doesn’t happen in France! Go USA!
And finally: A delightful story about cat enemas.
A whole slew of links, including the G.I. Joe PSAs.
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