Q: What’s the word? A: Thunderbird

A daring taste test of the top 5 best selling “wines” among the homeless. There for the name of science go…who are these people? I never knew that both Thunderbird and Night Train are bottled by E. & J. Gallo. Who woulda thunk it? What I want to know is what is actually in these drinks. And I don’t want to find out by drinking them.

Bum Wines
18% alc. by vol.
Cisco is bottled by the nation’s second largest wine company, Canandaigua Wine Co., in Canandaigua, NY and Naples, NY – the same company as Wild Irish Rose.
Known as “liquid crack,” for its reputation for wreaking more mental havoc than the cheapest tequila. Something in this syrupy hooch seems to have a synapse-blasting effect not unlike low-grade cocaine. The label insists that the ingredients are merely “citrus wine & grape wine with artificial flavor & artificial color,” but anyone who has tried it knows better. Tales of Cisco-induced semi-psychotic fits are common. Often, people on a Cisco binge end up curled into a fetal ball, shuddering and muttering paranoid rants. Nudity and violence may well be involved too. Everyone who drinks this feels great at first, and claims, “It’s not bad at all, I like it.” But, you really do not want to mess around with this one, because they all sing a different tune a few minutes later. And by tune, I mean the psychotic ramblings of a raging naked bum.

A funny link, easily overlooked, by way of Boing Boing

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