The Four King Cousins – Introducing

Capitol Records (rereleased on M&M records, MMCD-1009, 1997

I have this album with no real information, just a track listing and a date: 1968.
Apparently they are the offspring of the other King Singers, and here cover some Bacharach, some Beatles, some Beach Boys, and some Roger Nichols. What I want to know is who did the arrangements (for groups like this, the “auteur”). The stop-start of “Good Day Sunshine” is clever and the vocals go to and fro between solo and sweet harmony.
As usual with soft-rock groups, the Japanese are crazier about this stuff than the West. Google results in 80% pages found with Japanese domain names. The Western stuff is mostly just a mention in a “For Sale” list or a spot on some indie-radio station’s playlist.
Any Pizzicato Five fan worth their salt should seek this one out–I bet Konishi wore his copy out. Just listen to “I Fell” and then P5’s “Triste” and all should be apparent.

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One thought to “The Four King Cousins – Introducing”

  1. I have been searching for The King Cousins cover of “Good Day Sunshine” since I first heard it back in the 60s. I had no idea it was part of an album. I watched the King Sister’s Show every week just waiting for the cousins to sing. Not only were they very good singers they were classic ’60s beautiful blondes. Any idea where I can get a copy of “Good Day Sunshine” as a single or the entire album? Hope you can help. Thanks.

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