Music Animation Machine

Call it synchronicity or two great minds thinking alike, but I was checking out this site by Edward Tufte on the same day that Scott Rosenberg blogged it in Salon. Hmm, maybe it was because my friend Jon Crow had been there before me and then told me about it all. Ahhhh. I see.
Anyway, Edward Tufte is the “Da Vinci of data,” as his press blurb says, a statistician who also thinks long and hard about the graphical representation of data. There’s a lot of depth to the site, place to go explore, and I’m a sucker for graphs.
Perusing the site led me to a link to The Music Animation Machine, created by Stephen Malinowsky. There’s a few videos you can download, a cross between Oskar Fischinger and the Atari 2600. The graphical representation of pitch and time creates patterns that scroll horizontally and can add to a greater understanding of music composition. They’re also great to watch. Highly recommended!

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